Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services

Clinical Match Code - 141611 (3 positions)

START DATE: 8/01/2025


Welcome to Counseling and Psychological Service's (CAPS). CAPS is proud to be a site within the APA-Accredited Nebraska Internship Consortium of professional Psychology (NICPP).

Our staff is committed to the comprehensive training experience we offer our interns. We invest a great deal of time and energy in training to provide the highest quality internship experience we possibly can.

A completed application for a doctoral internship in health service psychology through the NICPP at CAPS (APPIC program code # 141611) must be received no later than November 1, 2024 at 11:59pm CST for the 2024-2025 training year.

For details on the steps for completing the NICPP application, please go to the NICPP website steps for applying page. The NICPP requires the following for your application to be completed:

  • ONE Cover Letter addressed to Dr. Beth Doll, specifying which sites you are applying to in the first paragraph. Please explain why you are applying to CAPS.
  • Include three letters of recommendation and your CV
  • Send official copies of ALL GRADUATE transcripts.

NICPP uses the APPIC Application for Psychology Internships (AAPI). Mailed applications or e-mailed applications are not accepted. Please go to the APPIC Website ( to find out more about the AAPI online. To complete your application, please click on the following link

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. We wish you the best of luck in your search for the program that best fits you and your training needs. We understand that the internship selection process can be stressful. Take your time and review our materials as we want our interns to have a good match based on their training goals and interests. If you believe our site within NICPP is a great fit for your training needs, we welcome your application.

This internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.

Training Year August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025


Training Director

Summer Bleich, Psy.D.
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Counseling and Psychological Services
University Health Center, Suite 223
550 N. 19th St.
Lincoln, NE 68588-0618

(402) 472-7450

Type of Facility

Counseling and Psychological Services is a university counseling center that is located within the University Health Center and College of Nursing Building (UHCN). We serve approximately 25,000 students. Our professional staff includes 9 psychologists (from clinical and counseling psychology backgrounds), 11 counselors, and 3 interns. We also typically have 2-3 doctoral-level students who work with us part-time for their practicum experience.


Agency Overview

Mission: CAPS is committed to providing quality mental health services that meet the needs of a diverse student body by providing a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment during their educational journey.

Vision: To be a leading counseling center that eliminates barriers and provides access to services by meeting the mental health needs of our diverse student body.


Training Philosophy:

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is one of eight agencies within The Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (NICPP). Within the CAPS agency, our training philosophy is:

  • to offer supervised experiences to doctoral interns who come from APA-accredited counseling or clinical psychology programs
  • to support the development of intermediate to advanced clinical and professional skills
  • to infuse sensitivity to issues of diversity throughout the training program
  • to allow for an unfolding exploration of one's professional identity

The doctoral internship benefits the intern as well as the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Department. Most importantly, each intern has the opportunity to receive a minimum of four hours of intensive supervision per week by a qualified staff member where skills are refined and the intern's professional development is enhanced.

We believe that personal and professional growth is best achieved when feedback is ongoing and reciprocal, and the training environment is supportive. The doctoral internship benefits the CAPS Department through the services offered to the UNL student body, as well as through the development of innovative outreach and group programming offered by the interns. In addition, each intern's area of expertise is acknowledged and welcomed. We strongly encourage the application of these specialized skills during the internship year.


Model of Professional Training

CAPS embraces a practitioner-scholar model of training which emphasizes an experiential component (“learning by doing”), while integrating empirical literature into the practice of psychology. We believe becoming a skilled professional in psychology is a lifelong process that requires self-awareness, a desire for personal growth, openness to feedback and change, and a passion for learning.

We integrate the practitioner-scholar model with training that is in complexity. During orientation, interns attend seminars that utilize evidence-based practices and draw upon the empirical literature. As interns begin to take on a clinical caseload, they are able to incorporate what they have learned during orientation into their clinical practice.

As interns begin to immerse themselves in these direct service opportunities, they will consistently receive two hours of weekly supervision from their primary supervisor. The expectation during weekly individual supervision is that interns will seek out the empirical literature and apply evidenced-based practice in their clinical interventions, goals, and treatment planning. Finally, to meet the individual needs and goals of our interns, we provide rotations during the academic year (August through May) in the following clinical areas: crisis care and outreach. If there is interest in learning more around a specific topic, the training director will work with the intern or intern cohort on additional training in that area.

By the end of the internship year, interns will be prepared with the knowledge, awareness, and skills of a generalist. Our interns are well prepared for careers in either university/college counseling centers, community mental health, or private practice.


Training Program Goals & Evaluation


Our overall goal is to train competent, ethical and reflective psychologists who have acquired the awareness, knowledge and skills fundamental to the practice of professional psychology. We believe becoming a skilled professional in psychology is a lifelong process that requires self-awareness, desire for personal growth, openness to feedback and change, and a passion for learning.

CAPS supports the training goals of the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology. When completing an internship through the NICPP, we expect prospective psychologists to gain experiences and competencies in:

  • applying ethical decision making to complex clinical and research activities
  • developing knowledge and skills in delivering services within primary care settings and collaborating across settings and care-providers
  • developing and demonstrating a commitment to evidence- based intervention procedures
  • receiving exposure to a diversity of psychological and mental health services within broad community contexts and across a breadth of treatment facilities
  • demonstrating a commitment to diversity and individual differences
  • developing an appreciation for and commitment to research, including scientific practices and/or research activities
  • developing research questions related to their work with clients and answering those questions
  • developing competencies to evaluate the efficacy of their work with diverse clients and systems

Interns meet with the Training Director during orientation to determine appropriate and attainable goals for the internship year. CAPS uses the NICPP Competency Management Plan (CMP) grid for these goals found here: NICPP Competency Management Plan_2024_fillable.pdf

Based on the mutually agreed upon goals between the interns and training director, the interns have the opportunity to engage in the various activities of a counseling center psychologist throughout the internship year. Examples include: individual, couples, and group counseling; initial evaluations, crisis care coverage; outreach/consultation; use of assessment screenings; and provision of supervision. These goals can be discussed with your primary supervisors as well. It is important to remember, the CMP is the agreement between the intern and the CAPS Training Director.


We continually assess each intern's performance on a regular basis to provide ongoing input and feedback regarding the intern's performance. This also allows us to support the continual development of interns' skills and competencies. Formal evaluation forms are completed twice during the internship year. A mid-year evaluation is conducted where the intern's performance and goals are reviewed. And, an end-of-year evaluation is completed to provide an appraisal of the intern's competencies at the completion of their internship experience.

Evaluations are based on observation of the intern's work and/or verbal feedback supervisors receive from CAPS team members, clients, and the University community. The format includes eight basic competency areas which in Intervention/Therapy Treatment; Consultation/Collaboration; Assessment/Evaluation/Testing; Teaching/Presenting/ Supervising Others; Research/Program Evaluation; Ethical/Legal/Cultural Awareness; Professional/Interpersonal Conduct; Supervision/Professional Development; and a general summary section.

Internship Activities

Most of the direct service activities required of interns mirror the typical direct service schedules of the full-time professional staff at CAPS. In addition, interns participate in weekly supervision, educational, and support meetings. The activities which constitute the internship experience at CAPS are described below. Interns typically spend 23 to 24 hours per week in direct service activities during the course of the internship year

Direct Service

Initial Evaluation: Interns receive extensive training during orientation on gathering information and practicing for an initial evaluation so that they are prepared for seeing a client within CAPS. All interns complete an Initial Evaluation assessment. The purpose of CAPS initial evaluation is to: (a) provide a brief risk assessment, (b) gathering key presenting information and (c) disposition the client for the services that best meets the client’s needs. Key areas of information gathered are: (a) presenting problem(s), (b) identifying information, (c) brief review of psychosocial history (noting any medical history, psychiatric history, and substance use history shared on data forms), and (d) brief mental status exam assessment.

Furthermore, the interns are expected to utilize the DSM-5-TR for obtaining a diagnosis and determine a collaborative treatment plan with their client. During the year, interns have four initial evaluations slots per week.

Individual/Couples Counseling: The provision of counseling is a core activity of CAPS. Most clients seek individual counseling though there are some opportunities to work with clients who are presenting for couples/relationship counseling. Although CAPS does not have a firm session limit, we espouse a short-term service delivery model. Consequently, most clients are seen in 4-8 sessions. CAPS has consistently seen a high volume of clients each fiscal year. Interns can expect to carry a steady caseload of clients, seeing approximately 17-20 counseling appointments per week.

Crisis Care Counseling/Case Management: Training in crisis/urgent counseling begins during orientation. Interns receive training on risk assessment and crisis intervention prior to seeing clients. During the year, interns will serve one rotation in crisis services. During the rotation, the intern will be one of the first counselors approached to serve students who are in crisis and want to be seen in person, who walk in, or who are walked in by a faculty, staff, a peer, or parent. During the intern's rotation, the intern will want to see who is available after or during their session so they can have a “go-to” staff professional to consult with. In order of priority, the intern should reach out to the Care Manager after the session to obtain additional support if/when available that day. If the Care Manager is not available, the intern can reach out to their Primary Supervisor or a member of the Leadership Team.

In addition, the rotation in crisis and care management includes working with the Care Manager on case management. This includes following up with students who use the on-call counselor (ProtoCall Services) and request a follow up call from CAPS. Interns will also be given the opportunity to support the Care Manager on post-hospitalization sessions. Finally, interns will be a part of the support to engage in postvention services and community response services when needed.

When interns are not on rotation, they will serve as back up for walk-ins and crises like the rest of the CAPS team. Interns work closely with their primary supervisor and the CAPS care manager for these services. Therefore, interns will want to see who is available after or during these sessions as well.

In general, interns are always encouraged to seek consultation during a crisis appointment if/when needed. It is the expectation that interns discuss each crisis case and high-risk client (e.g., high SI subscale on CCAPS) during supervision with their primary supervisor even when consultation has already occurred. If suicidal or homicidal risk is high, it is expected that the intern also inform the CAPS Training Director and Director.

Group Counseling: Each intern is required to be involved in the CAPS group program. This can be through either co-leading a process group, psychoeducation, or support groups during the internship year. It is expected that the intern selects one group opportunity that matches their training needs during the internship year. Interns are trained to provide group screenings when they are required for therapy groups.

The presenting needs of CAPS' clients determine the number and types of group offerings.

Each intern is strongly encouraged to be involved in the CAPS group program. This can be through either co-leading a process group, psychoeducation, or support groups during the internship year. If an intern chooses to co-facilitate a processing group, it is expected that the intern selects one group opportunity that matches their training needs during the internship year. Interns involved in therapy groups are trained to provide group screenings.

The presenting needs of CAPS' clients determine the number and types of group offerings provided each year. Types of groups that are offered include interpersonal process groups, support groups, and psychoeducational groups/workshops.

Outreach and Consultation: Interns provide consultation with faculty, staff, and family members of students as needs arise during the internship year. Outreach programming is a clinical rotation each intern will be engaged in over the course of the academic year. During the intern's rotation, they will be one of the first approached for supporting the CAPS outreach program. The focus during the intern's Outreach Rotation will consist mainly of topical presentations and Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training. Outside of the rotation, interns serve as backup and are encouraged to support the rest of CAPS team by engaging in CAPS outreach opportunities.

Assessment: During orientation, the intern receives training on initial evaluations, risk assessments, and clinical diagnosis. In addition, interns receive training on the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS) as well as other general screening instruments used during the course of therapy (e.g., BDI, BAI).

Interns are expected to initially utilize their primary supervisor when discussing assessment needs/concerns, results of screeners (e.g., CCAPS), and discussing feedback of assessments (e.g., a risk assessment, CCAPS). Primary supervisors will also guide interns on writing these results/findings into their progress notes. As the year progresses, the interns are expected to become more independent with assessments and consult as needed.

Provision of Supervision: Interns will provide individual supervision to advanced counseling psychology practicum students within the Counseling Psychology Department during the fall and spring semesters. Based on the number of counseling psychology students in the course, interns can supervise up to 2 students each semester. CAPS strongly believes that training in the provision of supervision is central to the identity as a psychologist.

Interns are expected to provide at least one hour of one-to-one supervision to a supervisee on a weekly basis. In addition, interns will observe their supervisee's live behind a two-way mirror (or via Zoom) for the student'’'s first intake and first termination session. Then, interns are expected to watch at least 3 additional full clinical sessions of their supervisee over the course of each semester.

The supervision of supervision supervisor is the licensed psychologist of record. This supervisor will be the final signature on all case notes. Consultations are expected when interns need additional support outside of supervision of supervision meetings.

Interns are given one hour of supervision preparation time to review notes and digital recordings each week for each supervisee. Supervision of Supervision is provided for 1 hour each week during fall and spring semester. Interns are encouraged to discuss and show clips of their provision of supervision with their primary supervisors and during supervision of supervision.



Primary Supervision: A licensed psychologist provides the primary supervision of an intern during the internship year. For two hours each week, the intern meets with their supervisor to focus on case conceptualization, risk assessment, dispositional decision-making, case management, diagnosis, CCAPS assessment, treatment planning, and provision of supervision. Ethical decision-making is also a focus of primary supervision. Professional development goals and needs are typically discussed during meetings with the Training Director. However, professional development goals may be discussed at times with the primary supervisor as time allows in the late fall and spring semester.

Supervision of Group Work: Interns receive group supervision with their group co-leader who is a licensed CAPS clinician. Group Supervision is an opportunity for interns to discuss group dynamics and seek consultation with their co-facilitator. A half-hour of supervision is provided each week the group is held. This typically occurs either 30 minutes before or after group.

Supervision of Supervision: Interns meet as a group for 1 hour each week for supervision of supervision of their counseling psychology practicum student(s). Interns are expected to show clip of their supervision in the fall and eventually move to more discussion of providing supervision during the spring semester. The interns are supervised by a licensed psychologist.

Intern Case Conference: The Intern Case Conference meets for one hour each week. The Intern Case Conference focuses on case conceptualization, treatment planning, and intervention skills. Interns present digital recordings of counseling sessions and discuss their cases in collaborative manner. Interns rotate each week by taking the lead in presenting a client. In addition, interns will also prepare for a job talk presentation on one of their clinical cases. These presentations are provided to the CAPS team between the following time frame fall break and winter break.

A licensed CAPS staff member will serve as the supervisor for the intern case conference during the Fall and another licensed CAPS staff member will serve as the supervisor in the Spring Semester. The exposure of supervision by various staff members is intended to complement the intern's primary supervision experience as well as to expose interns to a variety of theoretical orientations.

Intern Case Conference is an opportunity for interns to utilize and discuss empirically supported treatments, develop skills in providing professional feedback, and consulting with peers about one’s clinical work. Interns join the CAPS’ staff case conference in the Summer.

Intern Supervision with CAPS TD: Interns receive one hour of supervision per week as a group with the Training Director from August through May. Interns openly discuss all aspects of the internship such as daily administrative questions, case management concerns, staff/intern relationships, supervision (given/received), and professional development issues and identity as a burgeoning psychologist. The Training Director serves as an advocate for intern growth and development.

Supervision of Outreach/Consultation: Interns will always keep their primary supervisors aware of their crisis clients and outreach services. In addition, interns will meet with the Care Manager according to need for supervision/consultation. The Outreach Coordinator will also meet with the interns for consultation and supervision needs as needed. Interns are expected to reflect on their outreach presentations and share their experience with their supervisors and the Outreach Coordinator.

Interns are encouraged to consult with the outreach coordinator and care manager in collaboration with their primary supervisors regarding their outreach and crisis service goals. Working as a team helps interns successfully learn skills in crisis intervention and outreach programming during the internship year.

Supervision of Assessment: Interns will utilize their primary supervision to discuss risk assessments, CCAPS, and other screeners used with their clients. Provision of feedback to clients is also reviewed during this supervisory meeting. Interns may also utilize the Care Manager for consultation on risk assessment.

Intern Seminars/Didactics: Intern will receive didactic seminar trainings during orientation. A majority of the didactic training is formally provided by the NICPP at the monthly consortium seminars.


Meetings/Additional Training

Diversity Retreats: Interns will meet during orientation, winter break and the summer semester to experience diversity retreats. During the diversity retreats, interns will have the opportunity to hear the diversity life stories of the facilitators. These stories are used as a model of self-disclosure. Interns are then invited to share their own stories of personal diversity. Interns will also experience a variety of experiential activities to enhance knowledge, awareness and skills in the area of individual and cultural diversity.

Staff Meeting: Interns will attend CAPS Staff meetings twice per month. During these meetings, interns will be exposed to informational meetings where departmental policies, CAPS clinical demands, and professional development issues are discussed.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Meetings: Interns will attend CAPS DEI meetings. This meeting is typically held once a month. Trainings are organized by the Committee on Inclusive Excellence (CIE). The focus of these meetings are on a variety of topics related to diversity, inclusivity, and current national/regional/local issues.

Staff Case Conference: Interns will attend the CAPS case conference during the summer session. These meetings provide an open forum for interns and professional staff members to discuss current counseling cases and professional development issues.


Administrative Time

Paperwork: Interns are allotted six hours for documentation of their clinical work. The following are examples of ways paperwork can be utilized.

  • Note Completion: Interns typically spend 30-40 minutes completing IEs and 10-15 minutes on Progress Notes after a few months at CAPS.
  • Supervision Preparation: Interns are allotted one to two hours per week to prepare for supervision with their trainee and their supervision. This time is part of their paperwork time and should be noted as such within their schedule as “Supervision Prep”. During this time, interns are expected to review case documentation of their supervisee, clip, and prep for their upcoming supervision session with their supervisee, primary supervisor and/or for supervision of supervision. Interns are also encouraged to research relevant empirically supported treatments to assist their supervisee’s clinical cases as needed.
  • Readings, Research and Prep Time: Interns are given up to 1 hour weekly to use for readings, research, and prep time for clients and/or supervision. Interns are encouraged to use their time to prepare for their clinical caseload and supervision needs.
  • Case Management: Interns are given up to 1 hour each week for managing their clinical caseload. During this time, interns are encouraged to consult family, faculty, staff, and CAPS providers when necessary. This is noted within their paperwork hour.

Summer Administrative Project: The interns will be involved in working with the CAPS team on a summer project that corresponds to the agency's need. During the summer, all CAPS professional staff members are involved in summer committees. Interns are encouraged to be involved in one of the summer project areas that is of interest to them. The CAPs staff member chairing the committees will oversee the intern's work. Interns are expected to update the Training Director on the work they completed for the summer administrative project during the month of July.


Internship Position and Time Requirements

Each doctoral intern is required to train at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) in the position of “Psychology Intern” full-time (minimum of 40 hours per week) for 12 months.

Interns are expected to complete 500 hours of direct service and 2000 hours of total service. CAPS internship year currently begins on August 1 and ends July 31. Interns average 40-42 hours per week as some weeks may require longer hours due to regular fluctuations in university schedules.


Estimated Weekly Schedule

Hours Per Week

Direct Service Hours    
   Initial Evaluations  444
   Individual/Relational Counseling17.51720
   Crisis Care (Walk-ins) ***
   Group Counseling1.5*****
   Assessment ***
   Provision of Supervision N/A1.5N/A

*Assessment & Crisis Hours are not included in this subtotal as they are part of direct hours provided during other clinical  service hours (e.g., individual counseling, outreach, crisis). 

**The expectation for Group Counseling is at least one group during the internship year. 

   Primary Supervision222
   Secondary Supervision - Concentration .5.5N/A
   Supervision of Group Work.5****
   Supervision of Supervision N/A1.5N/A
   Intern Case Conference 1.510
   Intern Seminar Day/NICPP 222
   Diversity Retreats .5.25.5
   Staff Case Conference 001
Meetings/Additional Training
   Staff Meeting.5.5.5
   Intern Check in with TD  1.5.25
   Committee on Inclusive Excellence.5.5.5
   Intern Professional Development .25.25.25
Administrative Time 
   Paperwork, Readings, & Case Management 7.2587
   *Supervision Preparation 0*0
   Summer Administrative Project002
*Supervision prep time is included in paperwork 



CAPS interns participate in a minimum of two hours of primary individual supervision each week with a licensed psychologist, 1 hour per week of secondary supervision in their area of concentration, and 1 hour of intern case conference. As a group, interns receive 1 hour of supervision of supervision when they are providing supervision to a doctoral level trainees. Interns also receive .5 hours of group supervision with a licensed clinician who is co-facilitating the group with the intern. Finally, interns have 1 hour of Intern Professional Development with the Training Director.

Interns attain greater independence throughout the internship year as the achieve competencies within clinical areas. In addition to individual supervision, interns are encouraged to consult with staff as needed. We have an open-door policy where we welcome case consultation.

Post Internship Employment

Interns have been employed in postdoctoral and/or psychologist lines after their internship year. Many go on to work in college mental health and private practice while others have opted to work in a mental health agency or academia.


CAPS Staff

Summer Bleich, PsyD CAPS CO-DIRECTOR

Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: Supervision & Training, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach to counseling that also integrates Attachment Theory and the consideration of the client’s cultural identities.

Tricia Besett-Alesch, PhD CAPS CO-DIRECTOR

Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: Supervision & Training, Women's Issues, Depression, Relationship and/or Family of Origin Issues, LGBTQA+ Concerns, Diversity & Inclusion, Eating Disorders/Body Image, Grief, Trauma, Solution Focused and DBT Therapy.



Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Specializes in: Depression, Relationship Issues, Couples Therapy, Trauma, and Anger Management.


Duke Engel, MA, LADC

Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Specializes in: Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Adult Children of Alcoholics/Addicts, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Trauma/PTSD, & Crisis Intervention.


Kristin Jagels, MA

Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Specializes in: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Relationship Issues, Family of Origin Issues, & Difficult Transitions.


Mark Lukin, PhD

Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: Crisis Management, Risk/Threat Assessment/Management, Serious Mental Illness, Group Therapy, & Anger Management.


Katie Meidlinger, PhD

Provisionally Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: LGBTQIA+ Community Support, Identity Development, Trauma, Family of Origin Issues, Parenting, Anxiety


Mariah Petersen, MS

Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Specializes in: Relationship Issues, Family of Origin Issues, Couples Therapy, Anxiety, Depression, and Life Transitions.


Xiping (Kylie) Qiu, MS

Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Specializes in: Chinese Cultural Issues, Intimate Relationships, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Personality Issues, & Attachment.


Brigham Scott, PsyD

Alcohol and Other Drug Services Coordinator, Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: Alcohol & Drug Counseling


Scott Winrow, PhD

Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: Gay/ Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Issues, Coming Out Issues, Native American Issues, Diversity Issues, Self-Esteem, & Test Anxiety.


Jillian Sharp, MSW

Licensed Independent Mental Health Practioner
Specializes in: Specializes in: Grief and loss, anxiety, depression, and family dynamics and history


Scott Winrow, PhD

Licensed Psychologist
Specializes in: Gay/ Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Issues, Coming Out Issues, Native American Issues, Diversity Issues, Self-Esteem, & Test Anxiety.

CAPS will hold virtual open houses and interviews in December and January. For more information about the open house click on the link below:

CAPS Virtual Open House